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Rab Mccullough vs. Paul Currie

Match started at 12:25 and ended at 14:37 (CET - Server Time)
Frame 1: 0:0 for

Rab Mccullough
Opening Break Shot
Shot Time: 00:02:58
Paul Currie
Missed a Pot
Shot Time: 00:03:59
Rab Mccullough
AST: 15.11 seconds    Break: 2 minutes and 16 seconds
Paul Currie
AST: 25.82 seconds    Break: 7 minutes and 19 seconds
Rab Mccullough
Foul: 4
Shot Time: 00:00:41

Frame Length: 18 minutes and 48 seconds
Frame 2: 0:0 for

Paul Currie
AST: 131.00 seconds    Break: 4 minutes and 22 seconds
Rab Mccullough
AST: 45.14 seconds    Break: 5 minutes and 16 seconds
Paul Currie
AST: 22.70 seconds    Break: 3 minutes and 47 seconds
Rab Mccullough
AST: 33.33 seconds    Break: 1 minute and 40 seconds
Paul Currie
Shot Time: 00:03:58
Rab Mccullough
AST: 21.20 seconds    Break: 1 minute and 46 seconds
Paul Currie
Missed a Pot
Shot Time: 00:00:00
Rab Mccullough
Shot Time: 00:00:09

Frame Length: 22 minutes and 25 seconds
Frame 3: 0:0 for

Rab Mccullough
Shot Time: 00:02:22
Paul Currie
Missed a Pot
Shot Time: 00:00:00
Rab Mccullough
Missed a Pot
Shot Time: 00:05:00
Paul Currie
Shot Time: 00:00:05
Rab Mccullough
Shot Time: 00:00:33
Paul Currie
Shot Time: 00:03:39
Rab Mccullough
Shot Time: 00:02:37
Paul Currie
Missed a Pot
Shot Time: 00:00:04
Rab Mccullough
Missed a Pot
Shot Time: 00:00:01
Paul Currie
Shot Time: 00:00:08
Rab Mccullough
Shot Time: 00:00:01
Paul Currie
Missed a Pot
Shot Time: 00:02:46
Rab Mccullough
Shot Time: 00:00:04
Paul Currie
Missed a Pot
Shot Time: 00:00:45
Rab Mccullough
Shot Time: 00:00:00
Paul Currie
Shot Time: 00:01:58
Rab Mccullough
AST: 145.00 seconds    Break: 4 minutes and 50 seconds
Paul Currie
Missed a Pot
Shot Time: 00:00:00
Rab Mccullough
Shot Time: 00:00:09
Paul Currie
Shot Time: 00:01:36

Frame Length: 33 minutes and 31 seconds
Frame 4: 0:0 for

Paul Currie
Shot Time: 00:02:33
Rab Mccullough
Shot Time: 00:00:00
Paul Currie
Missed a Pot
Shot Time: 00:05:51
Rab Mccullough
Shot Time: 00:00:00
Paul Currie
Shot Time: 00:06:12
Rab Mccullough
AST: 20.50 seconds    Break: 41 seconds
Paul Currie
Foul: 4

Frame Length: 19 minutes and 37 seconds
Frame 5: 0:0 for

Rab Mccullough
Opening Break Shot
Shot Time: 00:04:18
Paul Currie
Shot Time: 00:00:01
Rab Mccullough
Missed a Pot
Shot Time: 00:02:17
Paul Currie
Shot Time: 00:00:01
Rab Mccullough
AST: 102.00 seconds    Break: 3 minutes and 24 seconds
Paul Currie
Shot Time: 00:00:03
Rab Mccullough
Missed a Pot
Shot Time: 00:01:12
Paul Currie
Shot Time: 00:00:01
Rab Mccullough
Shot Time: 00:01:46
Paul Currie
Shot Time: 00:05:37
Rab Mccullough
Shot Time: 00:04:07
Paul Currie
Missed a Pot
Shot Time: 00:01:26
Rab Mccullough
Foul: 4
Shot Time: 00:03:44
Paul Currie
Shot Time: 00:00:01
Rab Mccullough
Shot Time: 00:01:04
Paul Currie
Shot Time: 00:00:44
Rab Mccullough
Shot Time: 00:01:19
Paul Currie
Shot Time: 00:01:25

Frame Length: 35 minutes and 51 seconds